Monday, November 3, 2014

Arby's Burger

by Cameron

This is my favorite sandwich because it has a lot of meat and is better than any other burger you
can get fast I think. My favorite sandwich is The smokehouse brisket from Arbys. If you don't
know what that Arbys is you don't watch TV. It really good because it taste good. It is cooked 13
hours before serving and has a King's Hawaiian burger bun. It also has a smoked flavor with a
Smoky Q sauce. With the brisket lightly seasoned. there is only one thing you can say aloha
cowboy. Arbys we got the meats!

Crazy sandwich

by Jaye Lynn

My favorite sandwich is from Subway. The bread is jalapeƱo cheese bread. The meat is
juicy pepperoni. The the avocados are perfectly ripe. Then I put squeaky pickles on. Next I put
yummy jalapeƱos. Then I put yellow peppers on . Then pepper and salt. With a little soup its
perfect. And I wash that all done with a cold Dr.pepper.

National sandwich day

by Harlan

My favorite sandwich is a turkey sandwich. Its good because turkey is good. Its my favorite
because turkey is just good and a challenge to hunt. I eat turkey with mustered bread mayo. Its
better cold than hot. I eat it a lot. It is also an easy meal to make. I eat a bag of chips with my
sandwich. The drink I get is a coke. The chips are talkies.

Hoagies and Clubs

by Daniel H.

My favorite sandwich (at the moment) is a club sandwich from the Totem that contains lettuce,
guacamole, turkey, toasted sourdough, tomatoes, and American cheese. If I were to have any
sandwich in the world it would have to be a hoagie from Philadelphia. From what I've heard and
seen, the hoagie is the best sandwich in the galaxy. Right now, my favorite sandwich shop in
general is 'Subway,' although they don't have my favorite sandwich. And yes, I do like guacamole,
unlike a lot of children, I like guacamole... same goes with tomato, I like tomato. Anyways, happy
'National Sandwich Day' everybody! Eat a tasty sandwich!

Sandwich Cravings

by Heizol

Well you see any kind of sandwich is fine. I
like simple sandwiches like bread, ham, cheese, and
mayo. But my favorite sandwich is a torta! Like when
you toast it, and then you add stuff like ham or
chorizo. Then put stuff like avocado. It will have you
at a “bruhh moment.” I also like sandwiches from
Subway. With the bread toasted. But really I just get
white bread, turkey, ham, and avocado. If I'm the
mood I would add things like cucumbers or lettuce. I
almost forgot about a peanut butter and jelly
sandwich. Whenever I'm like hungry after school I
would make a PB&J.

National Sandwich Day

by Jalen

My favorite type of sandwich is a sandwich with wheat bun,tomatoe,lettuce,chicken breast,onion
pepper jack cheese with pepper. Then you toast it for 30 seconds. I dont need any sauce to make
this better. It is good just as it is. What does make it better is chips. The best place to go to get this
sandwich is SUBWAY. It is the best preportion to veggies to meat. It is only five dollars for a
footlong. No other sandwich is better than this sandwich. I love SUBWAY its the best

National Sandwich Day

by Annahy

My favorite type of sandwich is the one that tastes good. One of my favorite kinds of
sandwich is a torta, my tortas contain chorizo, mayo, lettuce, avocado, and green chile. But
my normal sandwich I eat on a daily bases is a sandwich with white bread, turkey, ham, mayo,
lettuce,and cheese. So thats my favorite sandwiches so far.